If you didn’t know this about us already, we’re going to state it plainly for you now: we want you to have a games room. If you are into the products and services Home Leisure Direct provides, you need a games room.
We’ve already shared the importance of having a jukebox in your room to create the perfect atmosphere. If you haven’t read that yet, it’s time to click here. Otherwise, keep reading because you don’t want to miss today’s recommendation.
The Marshall Fridge. (Buy Here)
Marshall Amplification is a proud UK company that has achieved worldwide success. From its humble beginnings in London in the 60s, Marshall has become an instantly recognizable brand name and a leading provider of amps to many of the top rock bands in the world. Marshall doesn’t just provide amps, though. It also has many other products and merchandise, including pedals, clothing lines, and headphones. And now mini fridges.
Why it’s great
“The Marshall Fridge was born to rock!”—that’s the official tagline on the website, and who can argue with that? The fridge not only looks like an iconic Marshall amp with the official brand logo, but it is also built with authentic parts and materials used in all Marshall amps. That includes the essential control knobs that go to 11. It also has the Jim Marshall signature—that’s how you know the company is serious about this fridge. They don’t slap that honorable signature on just any old thing; only those products which Marshall is proud to call its own.
This is not a full-sized fridge, by the way. This is a mini fridge. Every man needs a mini fridge in his “man cave” or rec room or wherever he and his mates go to relax and enjoy a few leisure games together. That’s why you’ll find the Marshall Fridge listed under the category “lifestyle” on the Marshall Amps website.
And your game room needs to express a cool lifestyle.
Why you want one

Home Leisure Direct is aware of this and will thus be a provider of the Marshall Fridge in the near future. Like our Jack Daniels products, having the Marshall brand and official seal of approval instantly makes any product better.
When you place the Marshall Fridge in your game room, you will not only feel slightly closer to being at a real rock concert, but you will be a proud owner of a Marshall product. As the company stated in answer to the question, “Does it come in multiple colours?”—No, the Marshall Fridge comes in one colour…black. If you’re looking for a colourful mini fridge, look elsewhere. If you’re looking for the best option for your personal rec room, look no further than the Marshall Fridge.
This mini fridge has a total capacity of 124.6 litres. There are 112.6 litres devoted to the fridge and 12 litres for the freezer. The unit itself comes with the dimensions 57 cm deep, 52 cm wide, and 81.5 cm tall (to the top of the door hinge).
It features one full-sized, adjustable glass shelf and one half-sized glass shelf with a spill protector. Underneath, there is a larger area for the tall bottles, and the door rack is capable of holding 2L bottles. The front legs are adjustable as well. Unfortunately, though you can turn the knobs located on the front of the unit, they don’t actually do anything. This is a fridge not an amp, after all. But if your friends ask, you can tell them that due to its low-decibel compressor, your mini fridge is the quietest Marshall product around. That’ll impress them, for sure.
The beginning of a whole new game room for you

Time to buy? Get it here with FREE delivery!
Don’t just stop with the mini fridge. The Marshall Fridge was never meant to be left sitting alone in a corner. Now that you’re committed to having this rocking awesome fridge, it’s time to get the entire bar setup.
Once again, Home Leisure has you covered. Later on (hopefully, this year), we will be featuring even more products from Marshall, including bar furniture and other bar-related accessories. We will be sure to keep you posted as further details arise.
In the meantime, please consider this—though the Marshall Fridge can stand on its own, it should be just one of many pieces in your game room that, when added together, make the whole area feel like a perfect expression of your personal take on relaxation and recreation. As we’ve already stated, you’ll need a bar to go with your incredible mini fridge, but not all of your game room furniture has to carry the Marshall name. There are plenty of other designs that can equally convey the masculine and “serious about fun” tone you’re going for in your room.
A simple search on Google will give you access to hundreds of game room designs and ideas for you to be inspired by. In other words, you need to invest some time into planning out your game room’s look and feel, and if you are as passionate about gaming (leisure, pinball, or video) as we are, that won’t be a chore; it will be a pleasure.
Game and rec rooms have a long, rich history. Their importance and legacy go back centuries, and if you are going to be a part of that heritage, you must do so with pride and heart. Design your game room from the ground up. Carefully choose what games you will include, what artwork you will display, and what image you will represent through your choices in furniture and décor. Are we nuts for recommending that you start with a mini fridge? Perhaps. But on the other hand, this is the Marshall mini fridge. It can absolutely inspire you as you go about creating and implementing the rest of the space in your room.
Check out the video below by Marshall:
We hope that you seriously consider the Marshall Fridge when it’s time for your next purchase with Home Leisure Direct. It might just change everything for you.