New Collection of Vintage 1950's Jukeboxes now on Display

We have a real passion for true vintage pieces at Home Leisure Direct so it makes sense that we have expanded our range of classic silver age jukeboxes that we now have on display in our Bristol showroom.

Rock-Ola Tempo 1 Jukebox

Photo Above: Rock-Ola Tempo 1 Jukebox on Display in our Bristol Showroom

Although opinion is slightly divided, most collectors and aficionados agree that the silver age began the early 1950’s and covers around a ten year age period. My personal opinion is that each manufacturer of jukeboxes had a sweet spot between 1950-1961 of really beautiful jukeboxes that have now become the most collectable.

Lets start off with AMI / Rowe AMI, an American company who were based in Michigan who started making automatic player pianos in 1909. For me their best years were 1957-1961, every jukebox made between these years were works of art! Although their AMI G models were also good looking pieces, they didn’t really have the influence of American automobiles at the time like the AMI H onwards that appeal to the masses. In the showroom we are pleased to have on display the AMI J that has AMI’s desirable wrap around glass window that was a feature in many of their more collectable jukeboxes of that time.

Rock-Ola Tempo 1 Jukebox Front View

Photo Above: Rock-Ola Tempo 1 Jukebox front view

Next would be Rock-Ola, anther American company who started out making pinballs in the last 1920’s only to branch out into jukeboxes in 1935. My opinion is that Rock-Ola manufactured more understated Jukeboxes during the silver age but are desirable nonetheless. More boxy in design but they excelled in lighting and sound. The most popular being the Rock-Ola 1455-D to the 1462 alongside both the Tempo 1 and Tempo 2 models. On display we have the gorgeous Rock-Ola 1468 Tempo 1. This juke has to be one of the most representative of the era taking it’s design inspiration from that famous American car, the Cadillac.

Wurlitzer 1900 Jukebox  Front View

Photo Above: Wurlitzer 1900 Jukebox

Last on our list is a brand most people are familiar with, Wurlitzer. Wurlitzer were actually an American company that was founded by German, Rudolph Wurlitzer who emigrated to the USA in 1853. He belonged to a family that had been producing musical instruments since the 17th century! He founded a company in the US that imported musical instruments and it wasn’t until 1933 his son, Farny Wurlitzer took over and began to work on a jukebox prototype.

Wurlitzer 1900 Jukebox Side View

Photo Above: Side view of Wurlitzer Centenial 1900 Jukebox and an Original Painting by Swarez who's work is on display in our Showroom

Personally I think Wurlitzer made the jukebox industry what it was back then. They had beautiful golden era designs (pre-1949) and in my opinion, every juke that was made between 1954 with the 1700 right up to 1959 with the 2304 was exquisite in their own ways. On display we have one of the most collectable Wurlitzer jukeboxes of all time, the Wurlitzer 1900. This jukebox encapsulates what the silver age was all about. We also have one of Wurlitzer's later jukeboxes the 2300S with it’s royal blue colouring and delightfully compact, making it very desirable to new collectors with a limited floorspace. It is also the first stereo jukebox ever produced by Wurlitzer.

Wurlitzer 2304 Jukebox Close Up

Photo Above: Wurlitzer 2300S Stereo Jukebox  in dim lighting on Display in our Luxury Games Room Showroom

We really love having this wonderful collection of 1950’s Silver Age Jukeboxes on display and feel that each of them bring a little slice of history and soul to our showroom that you have to be around them to fully understand and appreciate what I mean.

They are on show now so please visit and witness if for yourself. It is something truly magical.

Written By: Michelle Beresford

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