Today we updated our Stern Star Trek Pro Pinball Machine code to the newest version (V1.61) that came out this week. We’ve been really excited about getting it updated, having read the great feedback for it on forums such as Pinside (my personal favourite for keeping track of my high scores) and due to the fact that it’s one of our most popular games in the showroom currently.
How to Update Your Machine
If you still need to update your machine, you can find the code for it on Stern Pinball’s site. Check out the changes in the .readme file or simply download the game code to your computer.
Once the game code has downloaded, transfer it to a USB stick so you can start to upload the new code to your Stern Star Trek pinball machine. To do this you’ll need to remove the glass from the backboard, flip dip-switch no. 8, press the white button above and follow the instructions on the screen.
If this is your first time updating the code on a recent Stern pinball machine, don’t panic, we have a video below for more detailed information on how to update your Stern pinball machine code.
Overview of Changes
The main change we’ve seen with the new code updates this year are the addition of the Award Medals concept. Bronze, Silver and Gold medals can be earned in each of the missions, which I think is a great idea as a player is awarded for making shots during missions as opposed for waiting for them to time out and building up scores through the number of levels they have progressed through.
There have also been many other additions, tweaks and fixes made to the code from lighting and audio to correcting errors and adjusting scoring.
How This Has Affected the HLD Staff
At this point I feel that we should issue a warning against updating your Stern Star Trek pinball, as it has seen relations between staff here at the HLD showrooms turn from healthy competition, to war!
The competition between us on this machine was initially high as it’s a very popular game, but having updated the code today, Josh’s score (the newest member of the HLD team and previous reigning Star Trek Pro champion among us since his first go!) was wiped off of the high scores board.
Andy was crowned as a new high scorer and medal champion in a single game. Josh was less than pleased with this. Andy was very happy.
Determined to have my initials on the score board of my favourite machine (and in the name of testing the new code) I managed to get my name up there at #2 in three or four games. The down side to this is that the update seems to have made it easier to rack up higher scores more easily, so it could be wiped out over the weekend.
Have You Tried the Latest Version?
We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the new Stern Star Trek pinball codes released this year, so feel free to comment below or get in touch via our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Written By: Abi Ponton