Craig Pullen, UK Pinball Champion, explains how to play the post pass - moving the ball from one flipper to other.
Written By: Andy Beresford
Video Transcript:
Craig Pullen: Okay, so the next skill we're going to talk about it is a post pass. Okay, so a post pass is basically where, so say, we've got the ball trapped on this flipper here, okay, and what we want to do -- so say this shot here is an extremely important shot in the game and it's very, very difficult to make that shot off of this flipper. So what we're going to try to do is we're going to try to pass the ball from this flipper over to this flipper and the way we're going to do that is by flipping very quickly on the right flipper and it's going to hit the ball up into the bottom of here, back onto this flipper, and with the momentum, go over to this flipper, okay? So that is what we're going to try and do. There we go, alright? So I just passed the ball from the right to the left and then I can try and make that shot up there so we'll try that one more time.
Andy: Show what you've done with your hand.
Craig Pullen: Yeah, so it's very, very quickly, it's just a feather touch really. That's all there is to it really. It's very quick and just a really, really tiny little movement. This game actually is particularly hard to do a post pass on, and that's what I was saying before as well is each game you'll be able to do different things.
Like I know, I'll show you now, but I can't actually do it from the left onto the right, but the most important one is doing it from right to left like that. Okay, so then we'll try to do the other way and that's what happens. The ball actually gets shot too far up here, rather than hitting on the bottom here, you see, so it's the same. I'm just touching exactly the same as I am on the right, but the ball's not coming out, so if I try to do it a bit harder, again, we will be able to force the ball out eventually, but it's nowhere near as in control as on the other side.
So what I would actually have to do in this situation is if I wanted the ball back on the right, is I'd make the shot and then get the ball back on the right. So let's just show you that, demonstrate that one more time.
Okay, and one more time. There we go. Alright, so that's your post pass and that's a really important move in terms of orchestrating where your next shot is going to be placed. So if you know that the next shot is much easier off the left flipper, then use that. So then go into that shot and then it'll be a lot easier. Okay, so that was the post pass.
Andy: Okay. So for more pinball videos from Craig Pullin please visit