An outdoor pool table is an amazing choice if you're looking to inject some fun into your garden or outdoor space. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how they can quickly become the life of a garden or outdoor party for some post-meal recreation. With that in mind, keeping it in tip-top condition will not only keep the table better for longer, but will also be sure to blow away visitors.
This guide will give you all the ins and outs of how to keep an outdoor pool table the rightful centre of attention in your outdoor space.
How Does an Outdoor Pool Table Remain Good In All Weathers?

You'll be pleased to know that outdoor pool tables by design have a number of design features to help them to weather the elements. The most key aspect that sets them apart from their indoor counterparts is the table's construction - which is built from marine-based plywood instead of MDF. Marine Ply doesn't react to moisture in the same way that MDF does. In fact, it's mostly inert to the effects of environmental moisture.
MDF by comparison will absorb this moisture and begin to swell. In the short term, this will compromise the laminate finish (which will begin to come away) but eventually, it will lose its building integrity as well.
In addition, outdoor pool table cloth is also made with more resistant material compared to other cloths, allowing it to stand up to more punishment.
The Importance of a Pool Table Cover

Many outdoor pool tables will come with some kind of cover to put over the table when not in use and with good reason - A pool table cover is one of the best ways you can keep your outdoor pool table looking better for longer. It won't just protect it and items just under it from the elements (namely the rain) but other factors nature can throw at it. Namely birds. A cover has saved our outdoor showroom tables from a messy fate on more than one occasion.
If you need a cover, always get one that will fit the size of your pool table. A good fitting cover will sit over the top of your table's top rail, completely covering the top part of the table and its cloth. Some covers even include eyelets that you can attach bungee cords to in order to securely fasten the cover to the table itself - Highly recommended if you don't want the wind taking your cover away.
One more tip we can give is to place something into the middle of the table (like a clean plant pot or vase) to raise the centre of the cover up, and encourage rain that drops onto the table to run off of it. A cover will protect the table just fine without this step, but you will find that water is likely to pool in the middle of the cover after rain and could be a hassle to remove when you want to play.

How Do I Care for Outdoor Pool Table Cloths?

If you keep the cover over your pool table whilst not in use, there's thankfully not a lot that can really hurt the cloth. An outdoor pool table cloth has been made specifically for use outside, so most things that can happen are primarily cosmetic, and won't affect playability. That said, it doesn't hurt to be proactive when it comes to prolonging its life.
For example, you may notice some damp patches on the cloth after removing the cover, coming as a result of condensation. This can be spot-cleaned with a cloth, but can be cleaned more thoroughly with a pool cloth cleaning spray (such as Ambersil Pool and Snooker Cloth Cleaner).
Pool cloths will also very gradually fade over time due to UV from the sun. This change will happen over a very long length of time, so you are unlikely to notice this as it happens.
It's always recommended that when you've finished using your outdoor table, that you put its cover back on to protect the cloth and top rail.
How Can Moisture Affect an Outdoor Pool Table?
Thankfully, marine plywood is very much resistant to the effects of moisture.
Something you may notice though is moistute on your top rail upon removing the pool table cover. This is also a result of condensation. You can easily just wipe any of this condensation away, or even use some washing up liquid if you want to give a more thorough clean to remove any more stubborn stains.
How Can I Deal With Mold on My Outdoor Pool Table?
If it's been damp and cold for any longer period of time, you may spot mold forming on your pool table on either the exterior, or even the interior. This won't affect the table's performance, but it's definitely worth keeping on top of this should you spot it to prevent growth.
Mold spray will do the trick here and will clear up mold patches well if you catch it quickly.
Can Pool Table Accessories Be Left Outside?

Pool table accessories are, for the most part just fine to keep outdoors, with the exception of wooden accessories such as cues (and triangles or diamonds if they're also made of wood). Balls, chalk and anything else can be left with the pool table, beneath the cover and will be mostly unaffected. The balls however may end up a little dirty after some time kept outside, but can be brought back with washing up liquid, water and a good scrub/polish with a cloth.
Outdoor pool tables thankfully can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to care, but it's best not to rely on those aspects completely, especially if you want to keep your table looking as great as possible. Thankfully, as long as you're able to keep on top of it, you'll be finding you'll only be doing very small touch ups every now and again. If you need any further help with your outdoor pool table, just give our sales team a call on 0800 622 6464.