One thought often on the minds of pool table buyers (especially if they play competitively and want to practice) is what the size of a league standard pool table is. The recognised size of a ‘league’ table very much depends on the style of cue sport you’re playing: English pool, or American pool.
English Pool - 7ft

Most English pool leagues will utilise a 7ft table for their games. A 7 ft size refers to the overall cabinet size, and not the playfield size, meaning that an actual league specification tournament surface is 6ft x 3ft. There are some rare exceptions to this though. For example, if a league is being televised, then an 8 foot table may be used for the sake of appearance on camera. It is also worth noting that whilst many pubs host unofficial pool tournaments and leagues, the tables being used may not be standard league size (The table size in this case is normally dictated by the space allowance and the budget of the venue you’re playing at).
Seen above is a perfect example of a tournament standard table: The Sam Atlantic Bapto.
American Pool - 9ft

Most American pool leagues will recognise a 9ft table as a standard size for tournaments, but again there may occasionally be exceptions. Whilst 9 feet is the standard size, you will find that most pool halls specialising in American tables will actually use 8 foot tables, much for the same reason that pubs in England will use a 6 foot table (space and money).
Seen above is the stunning Etrusco P40.
Other Sizes:

Of course, you will notice that whilst these are the standard league sizes, there are several other sizes of table available. Unless you’re strictly looking for a league sized table to practice on for your local league, don’t be afraid to purchase a smaller sized table if your space at home won’t allow for a full league sized table. The components are all the same, and you will still get an excellent game. Equally, if you do have the space and are happy to spend more on a more impressive larger table, then that is always an option. The best advice we can give is to get a table that’s suitable for the space that you have.
If you want to know more about the different league sizes with our team, feel free to drop by our showrooms, or call the team on 0800 622 6464 or 01454 413 636.