Selected High Grade Wood:
High quality wood supplied from sustainable forests is delievered to the factory and then stored until required. The key raw materials used consist of oak, beech, mahogany and high density fibre board. They are dried for around two years prior to delivery to the factory, but are then checked to ensure they are are the correct humidity for use.
Precision Cutting:
Having carefully selected to right piece of wood it is then cut using a number of machines. Some are operated by hand to select the correct piece to be retained or run by computer to ensure the optimum precision.
Component Storage and Transport:
Once each component has been cut and drilled it is then stored away, ready for the next order. The slates are stored in sets, each bearing a serial nember to ensure they are kept together in the correct set for the table to which they belong.
When an order comes in each component is selected from the store or specially made to fulfil that specific order.
Heavy Lifting:
Here you can see two tables on their racks, which is how they are transported around the factory throughout the production process.
Each rack has it's order sheet attached, detailing each of the components necessary and showing which parts are completed and which have yet to be done.
Constructed tables which have gone through the leveling process are transported around the factory using a huge hoist which runs up and down the length of the factory.
Huge lifting aparatus is also used for moving the slates. Giant suction cups are lowered on to the slates, which then pick up the slate and can then be moved around as necessary.
Such equipment represents a significant investment, but provides a safe and easy method of transport around the facility.
Handfinished by Craftsmen:
Each part is finished by hand, and made specifically for each table. This ensures each compenent fits together perfectly. Every piece is numbered with the table's serial number, whcih can be seen inside the table at the below right.
Precision Leveling:
Every table is fully assembled and then the surface leveled using the machine you see below. This ensures a completely level surface upon which the slate is then fitted. The slate itself is then perfectly leveled. Following this incredibly precise process you then know that your table will be supplied in optimum form. Everything is hand finished, making sure every part is immaculately presented.
Painting, Tinting, and Finishing:
Once the table has been assembled and checked it is then taken apart to be either tinted or painted, depending on the requirements of the customer. The Chevillotte factory has an extensive paint shop with skilled technicians who can provide an exquisite finish to each table produced. They are also able to "antique" the table to enable it to fit in with the customer's decor. This is the process you can see in the photos below.
Cloth Fitting:
A great deal of care and skill is taken in fitting the cusion cloth. The cushion rubber is fitted directly to the cushion rail, there are no wooden batons used on any Chevillotte pool table. This gives the tables their great feel and solidity when playing. The cushion cloth is supplied factory fitted, to ensure every customer receives their table perfectly finished.
Having gone to such trouble to prduce such magnificent pool, billiard and carom tables the thought of any damage in transit is tough to contemplate. Therefore every table is packed with the utmost care. Not something you will necessarily consider when purchasing your table, but I can assure you once you see it being unpacked in your home you will be grateful for the attention paid by the expert packing team at the Chevillotte factory.
Once packed and palletised the tables are then sent all around the globe. The appeal of billiards around the world continues to grow, with different versions of the game proving popular in different destinations. Carom is played extensively in South America and France. Snooker and Pool in England and Asia. Whilst Pyramid is the game of choice in the Russian market. American Pool's popularity is widespread throughout all these regions, whether it be 8 Ball, 9 Ball or Straight Pool.
More Information:
If you would like some more information on the production process or have any questions please give our expert team a call on 0800 622 6464.